Granary temperature and humidity monitoring system

2022-07-08 00:56:29 admin 60

Granary temperature and humidity monitoring system

Granary temperature and humidity monitoring system

Granary temperature and humidity monitoring system

Using LoRa as the way of data transmission, the granary temperature and humidity monitoring system is a set of management system that reflects the superiority of enterprise informatization. This system consists of LoRaWAN gateway, LoRaWAN temperature and humidity sensor, and application platform, the temperature and humidity information of the granary can be transmitted to the application platform via LoRaWAN gateway, and the platform automatically control the ventilation system, and with the functions of automatically printing report and ect.

Function description:

★ Users can check the temperature and humidity of the granary in real time, and get granary data via software at any   time;

★ 3D dynamic digital graphics display and the annual point curve display;

★ Single granary report printing and summary report printing;

★ Automatic ventilation control, automatic food situation analysis(extension);

★ Temperature and humidity parameter value setting and automatic alarm 
